Monday, December 27, 2010

You never really learn to swear until you learn to drive. ~ Unknown


it's a sore subject in our house. the mere mention of this (3 letter combined with a then) FOUR letter word can make my blood pressure escalate like a rocket. 

the cornerstone of my genuine disgust towards this aforementioned subject lies in my deep & sincere belief that life is too freakin' short to waste my days in a car. staring at other cars...wondering what possesses people to be so terribly rude/inconsiderate/mindless/and just-plain-stupid. 

i have yet to discover the great, life-changing lesson that god or the universe or karma is trying to teach me during these infinite stretches of time...but i have learned these few tidbits: 

1. Traffic. IS. DUMB. (there are plenty of scientific studies to prove this. google it. i dare ya.)

2. Traffic is consistently inconsistent. i can leave my house at 9:35a on a sunny weekday morning & arrive to work at promptly 9:55a. i can leave the following day/week/month, at the exact same time, with the exact same weather conditions only to arrive at 10:15a. for a gal who digs a nice daily routine, this really gets my goat. 

3. Watch out for people who drive green cars. these broccoli colored contraptions are the slowest & most indecisive drivers out there. i don't know how nature unfolded this way, but this theory of mine tests true time & time again.  

the only silver lining is this vast amount of time this character-producing (ha!) roadblock has produced is the opportunity to chat with so many long-distance friends. if you have received a phone call from me in the last 4 months, you better believe there is a direct correlation between those phone calls & my newfound time on the road. i have been notorious about my dislike of talking on the phone. it’s not that i don’t want to talk to my dear’s that i have realized that i can not possibly just SIT & talk. my hands get busy, my mind gets distracted...i start sweeping the floor or painting my toenails or making a grocery list or organizing god-knows-what...and then the person on the other line senses that i am only sort of paying attention. rude! 

anyhow...i digress. 

here's a pic of an exit that i pass every single day on my commute to work...a constant reminder that "home" is just around the bend:

here's to making the most of the final days of 2010. 

call up a friend for a chat next time traffic steals part of your day. 

life is short, friends. 

give some love. 

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