Sunday, December 19, 2010

something borrowed.

my brain. is tired. my body is spent. they are both apparently officially on a stay-cation somewhere sunny & warm. D has been more than patient with my sloth-like attitude today. he's the most gracious soul i have ever known. so in a desperate effort to avoid taxing my already sluggish thoughts....i thought i'd borrow a few pics that have inspired me on this journey: 

i think it's obvious that i have an affinity for words. i snapped this little shot from a box of matches at Francesca's. random, i know. i just couldn't resist. 

one of my life's greatest treasures...miss fawn porter...doing one of my most favorite things...a road trip in my old jeep. memories like these are permanently etched in my mind. 

i can't remember exactly why i had an afternoon off work...but i do remember the magical feeling i had as i wandered through Full Circle on this winter day. 

keen. saying so well what  we were all thinking on this day....where is spring? where is the sun? 

and lastly...these words are on the wall in a favorite lunch spot of ours. i had never noticed it until this random day in may, just after i had trekked across the country to be with D. i could then and i continue to answer a matter of fact...i do. 

1 comment:

  1. i am a better person for having you as part of my journey.
