Sunday, January 9, 2011


today started like any other sunday...sleeping in & telling keen a half dozen times that i would take him out before i would actually pry myself from the warm blankets to do it...or maybe a dozen...and then eventually crawling out sometime before 11. d & i had my "perfect" sunday planned...brunch (my favorite meal), an afternoon movie...some unhurried time at the gym...planning our weekly schedules & was just like most sundays around here. 

or so i thought...

and then least to me...was the very bold message/reminder/happenstance that strikes you as a moment in time that you could not forget if you wanted to do so. 

d & i saw a movie that spoke to the very core of my being...rattled my cage...made me feel hazy & discombobulated & if i were only floating in & out of the remainder of the day...and yet so fully aware of a whole host of my faults...


and then....a full hour after the movie had ended... still haunted by this sick feeling that my soul had been turned inside out...

i saw a sign. 

d was driving & probably scared the bejeezus out of him when i suddenly asked him to stop the car...(mind you i had been an emotional disaster for the past hour & he probably thought i'd snapped)...but he agreed...and i ran down the sidewalk in my winter coat & hat & scarf to capture this: 

i must have looked like the joker when i ran back to the car...smiling as if i'd won the felt as if i had....(well, that & the fact that a homeless man walked behind me as was taking the picture & proceeded to relieve himself quite unashamedly)...

i haven't had time to process all that has flooded my mind & heart & soul in the passing hours since...i fear i haven't conveyed the overwhelming grace i experienced today...because i can't fully explain it yet...and i am painstakingly slow when it comes to soaking up these sorts of lessons...but it had to be shared...set adrift out there in cyber space like a message in a bottle...

i'd like to think maybe it's a sign for someone else, too....

1 comment:

  1. you didn't mention this on the phone last night! i hope you're making sense of it now that a little time has passed. glad that the sign was providential for you! if it had been the point, i'm certain you would've shared the name of the movie. just wondering if it is one i should watch. ;-)
    love you!
