Wednesday, June 6, 2012

plant seeds in the cracks & pray for rain. (andrea gibson)

i haven't been blogging much.
my thoughts have been scattered & half-formed, like leftover cobbler after a summer picnic.
my guts have felt so raw lately. i am feeling everything to the Nth degree.
when i'm happy, i'm euphoric and when i'm sad, it's feels like i am mourning.
it's hard to make sense of what is and what was and what is becoming.
 i've never had so much time in my adult life to just. be. and yet still live.
i'm walking more & rushing less. i've been less enticed by fancy restaurants and more obsessed with long strolls in the trees. i want beauty to crash down from waterfalls. i want words etched into my bones.
i bought an Indian chime that sounds like peace and wind rushing over mountaintops and my grandparents' house. i long to fall asleep listening to that bell clang.

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