Sunday, April 17, 2011


i've been in a fragile state lately. 
d has been worried about me.  
i almost cried yesterday when it snowed. 
i have 'joked' about burning my winter coat in the fireplace.
he tried to hide the weather forecast from me this morning because there was a chance it may snow tonight. 
he's a wise man. 

it has been a 
but the sun is coming. 
i can feel it. my body senses it. 
my body & mind & soul 
feel like they are finally waking from an 
expansive hibernation period. 
i've been spring cleaning...
and craving fresh berries 
& wandering through the gardening stores in our neighborhood...
and dreaming of the farmer's market.
i went to yoga today for the first time in a few months. i tried to imagine myself as a sleepy brown bear, 
stumbling & fumbling 
to make my limbs move like they used to.
it only took one downward dog...and my mat felt like home again. 
my teacher said something in class that nudged my soul...she reminded us to not only embrace each pose, but to savor even the transition between. 
hmmm......yes. yes! 
i have been so focused 
(some would say obsessed) 
with how NOT warm it is 
that i have neglected
 to be thankful for how NOT cold it is! 
heck, i wore flip flops to the grocery store tonight! 
with NO coat! 
we saw buds on the trees on our walk this morning!
we drove with the windows down this afternoon! 
so while i may remain ghostly white...
and my sundresses may stay stored away...
i am going to settle into thankfulness. 
i will be grateful that even though it is 
april and 30 degrees...
that it is not january and -30 degrees. 
i will search & delight in the new life blossoming around us. 
and i'll trade that blasted down coat for a new rain coat. 
don't mind if i do!   

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